About Us
Fusheng cultured stone of Yixian was founded in 2002, which is located in Yixian County with rich
mineral resources and beautiful natural scenery. We have a number of factories and professional
stone research and development team, using advanced technology R&D and production of natural
cultural stone, and have rich experience in product production and quality inspection. Products
include Slate: marble, sandstone, limestone and quartzite
Since its establishment, the company has vigorously developed foreign export trade in recent years,
and has participated in overseas exhibitions for 10 consecutive years……
Fusheng culture stone of Yixian was founded in
2002, which is located in Yixian County with rich
mineral resources and beautiful natural scenery.
We have a number of factories and professional
stone research and development team, using
advanced technology R&D and production of
natural cultural stone, and have rich experience
in product production and quality inspection.
Products include Slate: marble, sandstone,
limestone and quartzite……
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